Astrophotography by T.Yoshida >
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Latest Astrophotography
M78 Nebula Takahashi Epsilon250, SBIG STL11000M |
Cave Nebula Takahashi Epsilon250, SBIG STL11000M |
Andromeda Galaxy Takahashi Epsilon250, SBIG STL11000M |
NGC6960 Takahashi Epsilon250, SBIG STL11000M |
Veil Nebula Takahashi Epsilon250, SBIG STL11000M |
M101 Takahashi Epsilon250, SBIG STL11000M |
Lagoon Nebula and Trifid Nebula Takahashi TOA130s, SBIG STL11000M |
Rho Ophiuchi Nebula Canon EOS 400D |
Markarian's Chain Takahashi TOA130s, SBIG STL11000M |
Sombrero Galaxy Takahashi Mewlon300, SBIG STL11000M |
Owl Nebula Takahashi Mewlon300, SBIG STL11000M |
Comet Holmes over California Nebula Takahashi Epsilon180ED, SBIG STL11000M |
Supernova remnant Simeis 147 Takahashi Epsilon180ED, SBIG STL11000M |
Cone Nebula Takahashi TOA130s, SBIG STL11000M |
Orion Canon EF100mm, SBIG STL11000M |
M33 Takahashi TOA130s, SBIG STL11000M |
Star Trails Orion at Katsurahama Canon EOS 400D |
California Nebula Takahashi Epsilon180ED, SBIG STL11000M |
Horsehead Nebula Takahashi Epsilon180ED, SBIG STL11000M |
IC1396 Takahashi Epsilon180ED, SBIG STL11000M |
Comet Holmes Takahashi Epsilon180ED, SBIG STL11000M |
Gamma Cygni Nebulosity Takahashi Epsilon180ED, SBIG STL11000M |
Moon Eclipse 2007 TOA130S, NikonD50 |
Iris Nebula Takahashi Epsilon160, SBIG ST2000XM |
The North America Nebula Takahashi Epsilon180ED, SBIG STL11000M |
The Rho Ophiuchi Nebula mini BORG45ED, NikonD50 |
IC4603 Takahashi TOA130, SBIG STL11000M |
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