Stephen Roffo : DeepSpaceViews
Giovanni Benintende : Astronomical Pictures by Giovanni Benintende
Jay Ballauer : All About
Richard McCoy :
Warren A Keller : Billions and Billions Astrophotogaraphy
Diemar Hager : Stargazer CCD Astrophotography
Kaori Iwakata : Galaxies with ST-7XME
K.Kondou : Digital SLR Astrophotography
George Greaney : Imaging the Deep Sky
R Jay GaBany : Cosmotograpy CCD Astrophotography
Brad Moore : Southern Astro
Karel Teuwen : CCD Astrophotography
Frank Brandl : Solar System Astrophotography
Educational Site
Astronomy Picture of the Day : NASA
Starsurfing : Sakib Rasool
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan : NAOJ
Takahashi : Telescope company
Vixen : Telescope company
SBIG : World class CCD camera
Astronomik : My favorite filter
My Japanese Site
Astrophotography : My Japanese website
Weblog Astrophotography : My Japnese weblog
Original Print : Purchase My Print
Telescope : Describe how to choose new telescope in Japanese
Photolibrary : Original Astrophoto library
Here are my Favorite links to Astrophotographer and others.