Astrophotography by T.Yoshida >
CCD Astrophotography >
Leo Triplet Galaxies
Leo Triplet Galaxies
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M65 M66 NGC3628
The Leo Triplet is a small group of galaxy consisting of M65, M66 and NGC3628. It is located in the constellation Leo and is about 35 million ligtyears away. This group is well known for their shapes. It is popular among people who like to take astrophotographs. I took this picture by Takahashi Epsilon 250 which is a huge telescope for astrophotography.
Imaging information
Optics: Takahashi EP250 Telescope, Hercules Mount
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M, Astronomik LRGB filter and Halpha filter
Exposure: Luminance=100minutes, R=20min, G=20min, B=20min
Software: StellaImage6, PhotoshopCS4
Location: Hattouji Park, Okayama Prefecture